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How to Install PVC Edge Banding

How to Install PVC Edge Banding

PVC is the abbreviation for polyvinyl chloride. It is a plastic polymer, the world's third most produced synthetic plastic polymer.


What is edge banding?

The edge bands use narrow strip materials to create a durable and contrasting finish for all decorative surfaces. This helps to cover the exposed surface of the material. It provides beautiful trimmed edges and the appearance of reliable or more valuable materials.


In similar production lines, PVC edge banding is made by vacuum forming, mixing, and calendering. Some of these types include PVC edge banding, glued edge banding, and 3D edge banding. Most PVC edge banding is applied automatically by machine, but it can also be easily applied manually with a variety of options.


What is edge banding?

Step 1: Measure and cut PVC edge banding as required.

Step 2: Use brush or spray contact cement to apply contact glue on the PVC edge banding and material. Avoid overdoing. Another option is double-sided PSA tape, which can be glued to any surface

Step 3: Let the contact cement dry to touch. Then, glue the material and PVC edge banding. Peel the double-sided PSA tape from the roll and apply it to either surface.

Step 4: Use a utility knife, router or edge banding shears to remove the excess PVC edge banding.

Step 5: You can use acetone to remove excess contact glue. Make sure it does not damage the semi-gloss finish. Otherwise, it may put a white layer on the PVC, allowing you to replace the entire edge.

Before starting the PVC edge banding process, make sure to leave enough room for any future changes.


Tips when installing edge banding

Use masking tape to cover the surface of the board and prevent overspray or brushing.

Avoid using sandpaper to complete the installation. It is best to use a fine metal file.

To complete the rinsing process, use a sharp, non-scoring chisel on the laminate or melamine board.

And use mineral muffins to remove any excess binder. Acetone is also effective.

The installation of PVC edge banding is slightly different from others. The following points can help you make a decision more easily.


PVC edge bands provide an excellent appearance for the edges of furniture or shelves.

The PVC edge banding also has hot melt adhesive with limited color, which cannot withstand the direct heat from the iron.

They are cheaper than any other plastics and are more resistant to solvents and ultraviolet rays.

PVC is durable and scratch resistant. Therefore, if it is handled improperly during the installation process, it will not bring you wealth.

It offers a variety of colors, textures and finishes. Therefore, you can install a customized PVC.

PVC is impermeable and flexible. Therefore, they are easy to cut and apply.

Dirty cutting edges, chipping or tearing are usually eliminated.

It uses the smallest glue line to get the maximum adhesion because it has a concave back.